The Women’s Resource Center of Alamance County offers two programs that prepare women who are actively seeking employment or are interested in sharpening their skills for advancement and growth. Career programs are offered monthly alternating between EmpowerHER and Working Smart.
EmpowerHER: Job Search & Empowerment Seminar for Women
Join us for our Job Search & Empowerment workshop, EmpowerHer! A free seminar for women actively seeking employment to design their lives, develop a success plan, take action, build confidence, and land that job!
You can attend one session or all six for a completion certificate, a clothing voucher, and a chance to win a Food Lion Gift Card! Meets bi- monthly Tues. and Thurs 9:00 am to 11:30 am at the Women’s Resource Center office.
- Day 1- Career Compass: Mapping Your Values, Purpose, and Professional Pathway
- Day 2 – Navigating Your Job Search Journey
- Day 3- Your Professional Profile: Crafting a Resume, Cover Letter, and Reference Page
- Day 4- Networking: Building Connections for Professional Growth
- Day 5- Image & Interview IQ: Techniques to Impress Employers
- Day 6- Dress Rehearsal for Success: Mock Interview Day
Click here for more information on our next session.
Thank you to our EmpowerHER Series Sponsor:
Working Smart – Soft Skills for Workplace Success
Women’s Resource Center hosts Working Smart Soft Skill Certification classes at our office in Burlington.
David Grinstead of Alamance Community College (ACC) leads participants through five modules on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes are generally from 9:30am to 12:30pm with a total of 8 classes in the series.
Call for more information on when the next session begins.
Employers are asking interviewees to demonstrate the knowledge gained from this participation. Having this certification from ACC at the top of your resume will open doors and add to your personnel file.